Friday, May 9, 2008

Kids and Cake

Daddy made a last minute trip to China for business and brought back some goodies for the kiddos.

A cake to celebrate a 40th anniversary. Congrats!

Suzanne and her buddy Noah
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Anonymous said...

Too cute. The cake is pretty too.

Camilla said...

lovin that cake! are those flowers really hard to make? I want to learn flowers and roses seem imposible, so wanted to start with something not three dimensional.

The kids are all getting so big! what cute jammies!

Lindsey McFarland said...

Adorable! What a great cake Beth!

AndreaLyn said...

Love the outfits! I can't believe how tall James has gotten! Awesome job on the cake!

The Comin Family said...

What adorable kids!!! And such a beautiful cake!! You are so talented at cake making!!

Bonida said...

beautiful cake, congrats!